La Vida Oaxaqueña

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

raise of Hands

Alrighty! Everyone at home who´s heard any news about Oaxaca... Raise your Hands! and i mean on main circuit news, not my fancy little blog here! No One? Oh! One or two in the back! Okay cool! Well.... Limme tell you a little story...
So Once there was this corrupt govenor Ulises Ruis. And once there was this very organized teachers union that back in the day started to go on strike every summer to get more money. Then wayyyy back in June, everyone decided to agree that Ulises is corrupt. the Teachers and all kinds of other groups banded together and now we have the APPO!
Now the thing you´ve got to understand about this whole she-bang is that everyone has gone to extremes. Today they were all supposed to sit down again and have a lovely little chat about how to fix this whole mess, but this being the sticky situation that it is... the APPO and the teachers wouldnt go because not all the same groups of people were invited as before. Now, to be brutally honest, we dont have a clue whats going to happen. So we wait. and twiddle our thumbs and go on with normal life more or less.
The federal police could come in at any point and essentially fumigate the city of all the little pesky protesters. but i doubt that will happen today. Who knows? no one! well... presidente Fox might. but he aint sayin a word! shhh... secrets! Anyway, more of this story today is that we're just chillin and livin like normal. shopping trying to stimulate the economy and going out to dinner tonight for the same purpose! Officially i suppose i could tell you that we're sticking close to home and not staying out late this week just incase. and if the federal police do come in Our darling staffers might just wisk us away to the mountains... or beach.... for a perfect few days together! haha! seriously... no worries! s'all good in the Hood as they say!


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